Me as a trainer
My methods of training are very unorthodox making my style very unique. I place major emphasis on proper mechanics, I don’t like things done half assed, I combine different principles of training and modalities to achieve a specific goal ( fat loss, muscle gain, conditioning , strength etc.. ) doing this allows me to also have something different prepped for my clients making their workouts exciting , safe , efficient and effective.
My Story
I began my fitness journey at an early age of 13 when I struggled with obesity but gained the desire to play soccer in school. Being rejected two years in a row from a team because of my weight and being told I wasn’t good enough lit a fire in me to prove others wrong and to prove to myself that I was more then good enough. At the age of 15 I decided to give all of myself to this fitness journey, and with consistency and dedication by the age of 16 I had dropped 100 pounds. This is how my fitness journey started and ignited my passion for fitness, I wanted others to feel as great as I felt, I want others live a healthier life.
As I dove deeper into my fitness journey, I learned that fitness is only limited by your imagination. So, I worked with various experienced trainers in my time. I started training clients at the age 18 in a big box gym. I've helped hundreds of people and served thousands of sessions from that time to now, a total of 17 years of experience. I love working with others that work hard towards their goal, it motivates me as a trainer and makes me work even harder to help them reach their goals.
Why I decided to become a trainer
My goal is to always educate and to inspire others on how to live a healthier lifestyle.
Favorite Quote
“ I Can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” Michael Jordan.
Favorite Cheat Meal
a big ass hamburger.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
(714) 495-7459